The Sisterhood
The Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom’s mission is to build trust, respect, and relationships between American and Canadian Muslim and Jewish women and teenage girls. Together the women commit to end acts of anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim sentiment, stand up for one another when hate is aimed at our communities and engage in social action work.
Over 8000 Muslim and Jewish women have committed to interfaith exchange and partnership in Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom chapters throughout the United States, Canada, and in Berlin, Germany. Chapter members participate in dialogue, socialize, and take part in social action projects. All the while, members are expanding their knowledge of each other’s practices and beliefs, forming strong friendships.
Interested in learning more or joining a Chapter?
Interested in having Co-leaders, Sheryl Olitzky or Atiya Aftab, or a local Sisterhood chapter member speak or join a panel?
Special thanks to the Sisterhood Doc Task Force Team!
Atiya Aftab – NJ
Susan Kohn – DC
Atiya Aftab – NJ
Samantha Facciolo – DE
Fawzia Keval – CA
Melanie Mages – CA
Suzette Brooks Masters – NY
Nadia Nasim – NJ
Sheryl Olitzky – NJ
Eva Sasa – RI
Sara Speer Selber – TX
Rebecca Weintraub – NY

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